import nanoid from 'nanoid'
import olVectorTile from 'ol/layer/VectorTile'
import OpenLayersParser from 'geostyler-openlayers-parser'
import olStyleStyle from 'ol/style/Style'
import olStyleFill from 'ol/style/Fill'
import olStyleStroke from 'ol/style/Stroke'
import olStyleCircle from 'ol/style/Circle'
import olGeomPoint from 'ol/geom/Point'
import olGeomLinestring from 'ol/geom/LineString'
import olGeomMultiPoint from 'ol/geom/MultiPoint'
import olGeomMultiLinestring from 'ol/geom/MultiLineString'
* VectorTileLayer class extends olLayerVector {@link}
* @function
* @category Classes
* @since 1.4.0
* @param {Object} [opts] - Object of optional params for olLayerVector
class VectorTileLayer extends olVectorTile {
constructor (opts) {
if (!opts?.className) opts.className = `_ol_kit_vector_layer_${nanoid()}`
this.parser = new OpenLayersParser()
this.userStyles = []
this.defaultStyles = []
this._defaultStylesCache = []
this.isVectorTileLayer = true
if (!opts?.style) this._setInitialStyle()
return this
* A function that returns the VectorTileLayers attributes
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @returns {Array} VectorTileLayer attributes
getAttributes () {
// Vector tile layers don't have the convention that all features have to share the same attributes so we have to get all of the features and summarize their attributes.
return this.getSource()
.getFeaturesInExtent([-Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]) // get all available features
.reduce((attributes, feature) => {
return [ Set([...attributes, ...Object.keys(feature.getProperties())]).values()]
}, [])
* A function that returns the VectorTileLayers values of a specific attribute
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @param {String} - olFeature property
* @returns {Array} VectorTileLayer values of a specific attribute
fetchValuesForAttribute (attribute) {
const dupes = this.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent([-Infinity, -Infinity, Infinity, Infinity]).map(feature => feature.getProperties()[`${attribute}`])
return [ Set(dupes)]
* A function that sets custom styles from ManageLayer
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @param {Object} - Geostyler OpenLayers Parser rules object {@link}
setUserVectorStyles (styles) {
this.userStyles = styles
* A function that returns the VectorTileLayers custom user styles
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @returns {Object} Geostyler rules object
getUserVectorStyles () {
return this.userStyles
* A function that sets default styles of a VectorTileLayer
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
setDefaultVectorStyles () {
return this.parser.readStyle(this.getStyle()()).then(style => {
this._defaultStylesCache = style.rules
this.defaultStyles = style.rules
* A function that returns the VectorTileLayers default VectorTileLayer styles
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @returns {Object} Geostyler rules object
getDefaultVectorStyles () {
return this.defaultStyles
* A function that updates default styles of a VectorTileLayer
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
* @param {Object} - Geostyler OpenLayers Parser rules object {@link}
updateDefaultVectorStyles (styles) {
this.defaultStyles = styles
* A function that resets default styles of a VectorTileLayer back to its original default
* @function
* @since 1.4.0
resetDefaultVectorStyles () {
this.defaultStyles = this._defaultStylesCache
_applyVectorStyles () {
const filteredUserStyles = this.getUserVectorStyles().filter(style => {
// do a safe check for the filter key
if (!Array.isArray(style.filter)) return true
const attributeValue = style.filter[1][2]
return attributeValue !== ''
const style = {
name: this.get('title') || 'Custom Vector Style',
rules: [
return this.parser
.then(olStyle => {
// update the sld_body which is what geoserver uses to style the layer
_setInitialStyle () {
let style = {}
const hasFeatures = this.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent([0, 0, Infinity, Infinity]).length
const geomType = hasFeatures ? this.getSource()
.getFeaturesInExtent([0, 0, Infinity, Infinity])[0].getGeometry() : null
if (geomType instanceof olGeomPoint || geomType instanceof olGeomMultiPoint) {
style = [new olStyleStyle({
image: new olStyleCircle({
fill: new olStyleFill({ color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' }),
stroke: new olStyleStroke({ color: '#3399CC', width: 2 }),
radius: 5
} else if (geomType instanceof olGeomLinestring || geomType instanceof olGeomMultiLinestring) {
style = [new olStyleStyle({
stroke: new olStyleStroke({ color: '#3399CC', width: 2 })
} else {
style = [new olStyleStyle({
fill: new olStyleFill({ color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' }),
stroke: new olStyleStroke({ color: '#3399CC', width: 2 })
this.setStyle(() => style)
export default VectorTileLayer