import wktFormat from 'ol/format/WKT'
* Convert a feature to a WKT string
* @function
* @category PopupActionCopyWkt
* @param {Object} feature - An ol/Feature
* @param {Number} [decimalPlaces] - the number of decimal places in the output coordinates
* @returns {String} The WKT string of the feature passed
export const convertFeatureToWkt = (feature, decimalPlaces) => {
const format = new wktFormat()
return format.writeFeature(feature, {
dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857',
decimals: decimalPlaces
* Copy text to the clipboard
* @function
* @category PopupActionCopyWkt
* @param {String} text - The string to copy to the system clipboard
export const copyTextToClipboard = text => {
const el = document.createElement('textarea')
el.value = text
* Given an ol/Feature, copy its WKT string to the system clipboard
* @function
* @category PopupActionCopyWkt
* @param {Object} feature - An ol/Feature
* @param {Number} [decimalPlaces] - the number of decimal places in the output coordinates
export const copyWktToClipbard = (feature, decimalPlaces) => {
copyTextToClipboard(convertFeatureToWkt(feature, decimalPlaces))