import olFeature from 'ol/Feature'
import olGeomLineString from 'ol/geom/LineString'
import olGeomMultiPoint from 'ol/geom/MultiPoint'
import olStyleFill from 'ol/style/Fill'
import olStyleStroke from 'ol/style/Stroke'
import olStyleStyle from 'ol/style/Style'
import olStyleCircle from 'ol/style/Circle'
import olStyleText from 'ol/style/Text'
import olPoint from 'ol/geom/Point'
import centroid from '@turf/centroid'
import { pointsFromVertices, olKitTurf, pairCoordinates, getCoordinates, getText, calculateScale } from './utils'
function resolveStyleFunctionArgs (args) {
// Using function.prototype.bind with additional arguments injects those arguments at the zeroth index of the arguements object and since opts is optional we need to handle a variable arguement object
const argLength = args.length
const feature = args[argLength - 2] || args
const resolution = args[argLength - 1]
const opts = argLength >= 3 ? args[0] : {}
return { feature, resolution, opts }
* Style ol/Features
* @function
* @param {object} opts - The config object
* @param {ol/Feature} feature - The feature you want to style
* @param {number} resolution - the resolution of the map
* @returns {object} The style object for the passed feature
function styleText (...args) {
const { feature, resolution, opts } = resolveStyleFunctionArgs(args)
const label = feature.get('_vmf_label')
const isMeasurement = feature.get('_vmf_type') === '_vmf_measurement'
const isCentroidLabel = feature.get('_ol_kit_needs_centroid_label')
const offsetY = isCentroidLabel ? 20 : isMeasurement ? 0 : (label.fontSize || 16) / 2 // eslint-disable-line
const styleOpts = {
placement: opts.placement || 'point',
textAlign: opts.textAlign,
textBaseline: opts.textBaseLine || 'top',
maxAngle: opts.maxAngle || Infinity,
// These weird calculations provide the most accurate placement relative to the textarea where people edit their text
offsetX: isMeasurement ? 0 : (label.fontSize || 16) / 2,
offsetY: offsetY,
rotation: -feature.get('_vmf_rotation') || 0,
font: `bold ${label.fontSize || 16}px sans-serif`,
stroke: new olStyleStroke({
// show a black outline unless the text color is black; then show a white outline
color: label.color === '#000000' ? '#ffffff' : '#000000',
width: 3
text: getText(label, resolution, opts),
scale: calculateScale(, feature),
fill: new olStyleFill({
color: label.color || '#ffffff'
image: new olStyleCircle({
radius: 7,
fill: new olStyleFill({
color: '#ffcc33'
rotateWithView: false,
overflow: true
return new olStyleText(styleOpts)
function coordinateLabels (multiPoint, resolution, opts) {
return multiPoint.getPoints().map(point => coordinateLabel(point, resolution, opts))
function coordinateLabel (pointGeometry, resolution, opts) {
const geom = pointGeometry.clone()
const pointFeature = new olFeature({
geometry: geom,
_vmf_label: {
fontSize: 16
return new olStyleStyle({
text: styleText({
store: opts,
placement: 'point',
maxAngle: Math.PI / 4,
textAlign: undefined,
textBaseline: 'hanging'
}, pointFeature, resolution),
geometry: geom
function lengthLabel (lineGeometry, resolution, opts) {
const geom = lineGeometry.clone()
const perimeterFeature = new olFeature({
geometry: geom,
_vmf_type: '_vmf_measurement',
_vmf_label: {
fontSize: 16
return new olStyleStyle({
text: styleText({
store: opts,
placement: 'line',
maxAngle: Math.PI / 4,
textAlign: undefined,
textBaseline: 'hanging'
}, perimeterFeature, resolution),
geometry: geom
function perimeterSegmentLabels (polygonGeometry, resolution, opts) {
const labelStyles = []
const clonedGeom = polygonGeometry.clone()
const perimeterCoords = clonedGeom.getLinearRing(0).getCoordinates()
for (let i = 0; i < perimeterCoords.length - 1;) {
const segment = [perimeterCoords[i], perimeterCoords[i += 1]]
if (segment.flat(Infinity).includes(undefined)) break // exit the loop if we get any undefined values. It's better to not label a segment than to break draw entirely.
const segmentGeom = new olGeomLineString(segment)
const segmentFeature = new olFeature({
geometry: segmentGeom,
_vmf_type: '_vmf_measurement',
_vmf_label: {
fontSize: 16
labelStyles.push(new olStyleStyle({
text: styleText({
store: opts,
placement: 'line',
textBaseline: 'hanging'
}, segmentFeature, resolution),
geometry: segmentGeom
return labelStyles
function areaLabel (polygonGeometry, resolution, opts) {
const areaGeometry = polygonGeometry.clone()
const areaFeature = new olFeature({
geometry: areaGeometry,
_vmf_type: '_vmf_measurement',
_vmf_label: {
fontSize: 16
return new olStyleStyle({
text: styleText({
store: opts
}, areaFeature, resolution),
geometry: areaGeometry
function centroidLabel (geometry, resolution, opts) {
const point = geometry.getType() === 'Circle ' ? new olPoint(geometry.clone().getCenter()) : olKitTurf(centroid, [geometry]).getGeometry()
const pointFeature = new olFeature({
geometry: point,
_vmf_type: '_vmf_measurement', // styleText determines the type of label to render based on the feature's type so we need this temporary feature to be a 'measurement' feature
_vmf_label: {
fontSize: 16
_ol_kit_needs_centroid_label: true
return new olStyleStyle({
text: styleText({
store: opts,
placement: 'point',
maxAngle: Math.PI / 4,
textAlign: undefined,
textBaseline: 'hanging'
}, pointFeature, resolution),
geometry: point
function getVertices (args) {
const { feature } = resolveStyleFunctionArgs(args)
const geometry = feature.getGeometry()
const layout = geometry.getLayout()
switch (geometry.getType()) {
case 'MultiPolygon': {
const coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates()
const flatCoords = coordinates.flat(Infinity)
const pairedCoords = pairCoordinates(flatCoords, layout.length)
return new olGeomMultiPoint(pairedCoords, layout)
case 'GeometryCollection': {
const deepCoords = getCoordinates(geometry)
const flatCoords = deepCoords.flat(Infinity)
const pairedCoords = pairCoordinates(flatCoords, layout.length)
return new olGeomMultiPoint(pairedCoords)
return new olGeomMultiPoint(pointsFromVertices(geometry))
* Style an ol/Feature with orange circle vertices, a blue outline, an area label, and a perimeter length label. Can be used with individual features as a style function or call it directly to get a style object for use with `vectorContext.drawFeature`
* @function
* @param {object} opts - The config object
* @param {ol/Feature} feature - The feature you want to style
* @param {number} resolution - the resolution of the map
* @returns {object} The style object for the passed feature
export function immediateEditStyle (...args) {
const { feature, resolution, opts = {} } = resolveStyleFunctionArgs(args)
const fill = new olStyleFill({
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)'
const stroke = new olStyleStroke({
color: 'blue',
width: 3
const image = new olStyleCircle({
radius: 7,
fill: new olStyleFill({
color: '#ffcc33'
const vertexGeometry = getVertices(args)
const vertices = [new olStyleStyle({
image: new olStyleCircle({
radius: 5,
fill: new olStyleFill({
color: 'orange'
geometry: vertexGeometry
// checking to see if opts.geometry is defined allows us to call this function recursively for geometry collections
const geometry = opts.geometry || feature.clone().getGeometry()
const areaLabelsFlag = feature.get('_ol_kit_area_labels')
const distanceLabelsFlag = feature.get('_ol_kit_distance_labels')
const needsVertexLabels = feature.get('_ol_kit_coordinate_labels') !== undefined
const needsCentroidLabels = feature.get('_ol_kit_needs_centroid_label') !== undefined
const needsAreaLabels = opts.showMeasurements && areaLabelsFlag
const needsDistanceLabels = opts.showMeasurements && distanceLabelsFlag
const isNotCircle = feature.get('_ol_kit_draw_mode') !== 'circle'
const vertexLabels = (needsVertexLabels && opts.showMeasurements && isNotCircle) ? coordinateLabels(getVertices(feature), resolution, opts) : [] // eslint-disable-line
const type = geometry.getType()
switch (type) {
case 'Point':
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertexLabels]
case 'LineString': {
const lengthLabels = needsDistanceLabels ? [lengthLabel(geometry, resolution, opts)] : []
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertices, ...lengthLabels, ...vertexLabels]
case 'MultiLineString': {
const lineStrings = geometry.getLineStrings()
const lengthLabels = needsDistanceLabels
? => lengthLabel(lineString, resolution, opts)) : []
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertices, ...lengthLabels, ...vertexLabels]
case 'MultiPolygon': {
const polygons = geometry.getPolygons()
// create a label for each polygon
const perimeterLabels = needsDistanceLabels
? => perimeterSegmentLabels(polygon, resolution, opts)) : []
const areaLabels = needsAreaLabels
? => areaLabel(polygon, resolution, opts)) : []
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertices, ...areaLabels, ...perimeterLabels.flat(Infinity), ...vertexLabels]
case 'Polygon': {
let labels = vertexLabels // eslint-disable-line
if (needsAreaLabels) labels.push(areaLabel(geometry, resolution, opts))
if (needsDistanceLabels && isNotCircle) labels = [...labels, ...perimeterSegmentLabels(geometry, resolution, opts)] //eslint-disable-line
if (needsCentroidLabels) labels.push(centroidLabel(geometry, resolution, opts))
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertices, ...labels]
case 'GeometryCollection': {
// Recursive. Since feature stores our metadata it needs to be preserved. Therefore we pass the geometry we want to use through the opts object.
const componentStyles = geometry.getGeometries().map(geom => {
return immediateEditStyle.apply(this, [Object.assign(opts, { geometry: geom }), feature, resolution])
const flatStyles = componentStyles.flat(Infinity)
return flatStyles
case 'Circle': {
const labels = vertexLabels
if (needsAreaLabels) labels.push(areaLabel(geometry, resolution, opts))
if (needsCentroidLabels) labels.push(centroidLabel(geometry, resolution, opts))
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...labels]
return [new olStyleStyle({
}), ...vertices]