import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import olLayerVector from 'ol/layer/Vector'
import olSourceVector from 'ol/source/Vector'
import { BasemapOption, BasemapThumbnail, Label } from './styled'
import { connectToContext } from 'Provider'; // eslint-disable-line
* Blank white basemap option
* @component
* @category Basemap
* @since 0.1.0
class BasemapBlankWhite extends React.Component {
handleLayersChange = () => {
componentDidMount () {'change', this.handleLayersChange)
componentWillUnmount () {'change', this.handleLayersChange)
onClick = () => {
const { map, layerTypeID, onBasemapChanged } = this.props
const layer = new olLayerVector({
className: '_ol_kit_basemap_layer',
[layerTypeID]: 'blankWhite', // make sure we can identify this layer as a layer that has been created from the ol-kit basemap component.
source: new olSourceVector()
const layers = map.getLayers()
const layerArray = layers.getArray()
const hasBasemap = layerTypeID && layerArray.length ? layerArray[0].get(layerTypeID) : false
if (hasBasemap) {
layers.setAt(0, layer)
} else {
layers.insertAt(0, layer)
layers.changed() // ol.Collection insertAt and setAt do not trigger a change event so we fire one manually so that we can rerender to display the active and inactive BasemapOptions
render () {
const { translations, thumbnail, map, layerTypeID } = this.props
const layerArray = map.getLayers().getArray()
const isActive = layerArray.length ? layerArray[0].get(layerTypeID) === 'blankWhite' : false
return (
<BasemapOption className='_ol_kit_basemapOption' isActive={isActive} onClick={this.onClick}>
<BasemapThumbnail thumbnail={thumbnail} />
BasemapBlankWhite.propTypes = {
/** reference to Openlayers map object */
map: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
/** Object with key/value pairs for translated strings */
translations: PropTypes.shape({
'_ol_kit.BlankWhite.title': PropTypes.string
/** A string containing an http url or data url to a thumbnail image */
thumbnail: PropTypes.string,
/** A unique string or symbol property name that will be set directly on the layer when it is created with a value containing a string identifying the type of basemap layer (e.g. '_ol_kit_basemap': 'osm'). This property should be a shared ID used to identify individual layers as 'basemap' layers. */
layerTypeID: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.symbol, PropTypes.string]),
/** A callback that is fired when the basemap layer has been changed. It is called with the updated layer. */
onBasemapChanged: PropTypes.func
BasemapBlankWhite.defaultProps = {
thumbnail: '',
onBasemapChanged: () => {},
layerTypeID: '_ol_kit_basemap'
export default connectToContext(BasemapBlankWhite)