<PopupActionGroup />


# <PopupActionGroup children title feature />

Name Type Required Description Default
children node Yes An array of items rendered as a flyout
title union Yes Title of the action group to display on the root level
feature object No Openlayers feature currently shown in popup

View Source Popup/PopupInsert/PopupActionGroup/index.js, line 12



A PopupActionGroup allows you to create nested menus of PopupActionItem components. It's as easy as passing PopupActionGroup a title and then an array of PopupActionItem children.

return (
  <Popup show={true} pixel={[205, 310]} arrow={'bottom'} inline={true}>
    <PopupActionGroup title={'Create'}>
      <PopupActionItem title="New Production Field" />
      <PopupActionItem title="Site Boundary" />
    <PopupActionGroup title={'Edit'}>
      <PopupActionItem title="Geometry" />
      <PopupActionItem title="Attributes" />
    <PopupActionItem title="Delete" />

You can nest PopupActionGroup components within themselves to create nested menus. There is no limit on the nested levels.

return (
  <Popup show={true} pixel={[50, 10]} inline={true}>
      <PopupDefaultPage currentTab={1} title={'KENTEST2000'} attributes={{ hello: 'world' }}>
        <PopupActionItem title="Buffer"/>
        <PopupActionGroup title={'Edit'}>
          <PopupActionItem title="Geometry" />
          <PopupActionItem title="Merge" />
          <PopupActionItem title="Duplicate Shape" />
          <PopupActionGroup title={'Edit'}>
            <PopupActionItem title="Geometry" />
            <PopupActionItem title="Merge" />
            <PopupActionItem title="Duplicate Shape" />
        <PopupActionItem title="View" />