<ContextMenuCoords />

A context menu coordinate display and copy/paste header


# <ContextMenuCoords map pixel coords features closeContextMenu translations />

Name Type Required Description Default
map object Yes A map which is passed through to the handler function (passed automatically by ContextMenu)
pixel shape Yes The pixel location of the click (passed automatically by ContextMenu)
coords shape Yes The coords of the click (passed automatically by ContextMenu)
features array Yes The features at the location of the click (passed automatically by ContextMenu)
closeContextMenu func Yes A function which called when the context menu item is finished
translations object No { '_ol_kit_.ContextMenuCoords.lat': 'latitude', '_ol_kit_.ContextMenuCoords.long': 'longitude' }
  • 0.16.0

View Source ContextMenu/ContextMenuCoords.js, line 13